The Origin and Scope of Immigration Law

The origin and scope of federal immigration law are important issues that have been extensively litigated. Generally, Congress’s power to control immigration comes from the Constitution’s sovereignty clause. Its laws are largely contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and the United States Code. 성범죄변호사

An immigration law career can be rewarding for those who want to help individuals and families in need. It can also be a valuable addition to other legal fields.


The goal of immigration law is to establish a system that grants citizenship and allows people to live in the United States permanently. The process is complex, and a good immigration attorney will help a client through it as much as possible. There are many laws regulating this process, and some are quite restrictive. One of these is the quota system, which was created to limit immigration from certain areas. This policy was based on the idea that people from these regions would have negative effects on American society.

As the quota system evolved, it began to include other groups, such as Asians and people from the Western Hemisphere. The issue was compounded by the fact that most of these groups did not share the same understanding of race as white Americans. The result was a confusing set of laws that left Immigration Service officials unable to interpret them effectively.

Despite these problems, immigration has continued to grow rapidly. This was particularly true after World War II, which created a massive refugee and displaced persons crisis. The displaced persons were from the former Axis powers, and some of them had valuable scientific and technical knowledge.

The influx of immigrants and refugees was a major factor in the 1965 amendments, which purified immigration law of its racist legacy. The quota system was replaced by a preference system, which allowed for more immigration from Asia and Latin America. It also included protections against communist ideology.

Quota system

The quota system of immigration laws is an important factor in the United States. It is one of the main concerns of people calling for reform. The law limits the number of visas available for each country, and it is not always based on demand. As a result, many families cannot be reunited and skilled workers are left without jobs in the US.

The Emergency Quota Act of 1921 was the first time Congress imposed an immigration quota system based on national origin. It was a response to the massive tumult that followed World War I and was part of a larger effort at retrenchment and a quest for “normalcy.” The act restricted immigration from Europe, leaving immigration from countries in the Western Hemisphere unrestricted.

It limited the number of immigrants from each country to three percent of the foreign-born residents of that country who lived in the United States in 1910. Those with the highest priority for admission were citizens of Northern and Western Europe. Other immigrants were admitted based on their occupations and family ties.

The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act abolished the quota system of immigration laws and replaced it with one based on family reunification and attracting skilled labor to the United States. This law also introduced a new system of numerically limited preference categories for employment-based immigration.

Family-based immigration

Family-based immigration accounts for two thirds of legal immigrant visas granted each year. This process allows U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPRs) to sponsor their foreign relatives for immigrant visas. The sponsor is known as the petitioner and the relative they sponsor is called the beneficiary. The sponsorship process requires the sponsor to submit a legally binding affidavit of support for the beneficiary. The affidavit ensures that the sponsor will maintain the beneficiary’s standard of living at 125% of the federal poverty level or higher.

Family based immigration helps newcomers integrate more quickly, become employed and start businesses. Moreover, it provides economic benefits to the community and country. Family immigrants have higher initial earnings and faster earnings growth, and they are more likely to invest in their human capital. Additionally, they tend to build strong social networks that promote integration into American culture and standards.

However, the visa application process can be complex and time-consuming. Many family-based immigration avenues have been backlogged for decades, delaying the reunification of families and impeding their economic integration. For example, the wait time for unmarried adult children of green-card holders has been over 23 years, causing some families to miss important life events, such as weddings, graduations, and even their own deaths. In addition, the reunification process can be expensive and stressful.


Deportation, also called removal, is the government’s expulsion of a noncitizen from the United States. Anyone subject to deportation has the right to get legal advice from a lawyer and may be able to appeal the ruling.

People can be deported for a number of reasons, including criminal activity such as drug offenses and crimes against public order or national security. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) lists “aggravated felonies” and crimes of moral turpitude as grounds for deportation.

ICE investigates people who are allegedly in the country unlawfully and brings deportation cases against them. The process is much like a criminal trial, but judges do not follow the rule of law that protects criminal defendants from having their evidence excluded because it was obtained illegally.

A noncitizen can avoid deportation if he or she has a qualifying relative who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and can prove that removing the person from the country would cause extreme hardship to that family member. There is a lot of case law that establishes what types of hardship qualify as extreme. People who are subject to deportation can ask for a suspension of their removal proceedings if they have been in the United States for more than 10 years, and they can show that removing them from the country would cause exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to a spouse, child or parent.